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Showing posts with the label budget

Retirement Planning Decade by Decade: A Guide to Secure Your Future

Retirement Planning Decade by Decade: A Guide to Secure Your Future Retirement planning is an important aspect of financial planning that everyone should take seriously. No matter what stage of life you are in, it's never too early or too late to start preparing for retirement. This guide will provide you with a decade-by-decade breakdown of what to expect, trade-offs to navigate, essential elements to achieving success, planning tips, and key numbers to keep in mind when it comes to saving for retirement. Your 20s: Getting Started and Building Your Foundation In your 20s, you are just starting out in your career and figuring out what you want to do with your life. The main trade-off you will face is balancing your short-term financial goals with your long-term retirement goals. The essential element to achieving success in this decade is to start early and take advantage of compound growth. A good starting point would be to save at least 15% of your gross salary, with 20% being ev...