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Showing posts with the label Algorithms

Structured Query Language

SQL Data is everywhere, from social media posts to online transactions, from sensor readings to health records, we generate and consume massive amounts of data every day. But how do we store, organize, manipulate and retrieve this data efficiently and effectively? How do we query and analyze this data to gain insights and make decisions? How do we ensure the security and integrity of this data? One of the most popular and powerful tools for data management is SQL. SQL stands for Structured Query Language, a standardized programming language that is used to manage relational databases. Relational databases are systems that store data in tables, where each table consists of rows (records) and columns (attributes). Tables can be linked by common attributes, forming relationships between them. SQL lets you access and manipulate databases using various operations . Some of the most common operations are: - CREATE : This operation allows you to create new tables or databases. - SELECT : This...

Mastering the Basics: 100 Essential Python Interview Questions for Beginners

What is Python? What are the benefits of using Python? What are the differences between Python 2 and Python 3? What is a variable in Python? How do you assign a value to a variable in Python? What are the different data types in Python? What are lists in Python? What are tuples in Python? What are dictionaries in Python? What is a function in Python? How do you define a function in Python? What is a module in Python? How do you import a module in Python? What are the built-in functions in Python? What is a class in Python? How do you define a class in Python? What is inheritance in Python? What is polymorphism in Python? What are the different types of errors in Python? What is exception handling in Python? How do you handle exceptions in Python? What is a decorator in Python? How do you use decorators in Python? What is a lambda function in Python? How do you use lambda functions in Python? What is a generator in Python? How do you use generators in Python? What is a module in Python?...