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How LinkedIn is using Microsoft's chat for creating technical articles

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that connects millions of users across various industries and fields. One of the main features of LinkedIn is the ability to share and discover content that is relevant to your career and interests. However, creating high-quality content can be challenging, especially for technical topics that require specialized knowledge and skills.

How LinkedIn is using Microsoft's chat for creating technical articles
How LinkedIn is using Microsoft's chat for creating technical articles

That's why LinkedIn has partnered with Microsoft to leverage its chat mode, a powerful tool that can help users generate content such as articles, reports, presentations, and more. Microsoft's chat mode is a conversational interface that allows users to interact with Bing, the web search engine developed by Microsoft. Users can ask Bing questions, request information, or give commands in natural language, and Bing will respond with appropriate answers, suggestions, or actions.

How LinkedIn is using Microsoft's chat for creating technical articles
How LinkedIn is using Microsoft's chat for creating technical articles

One of the most innovative features of Microsoft's chat mode is its ability to generate content based on keywords or topics. Users can simply provide a few words or phrases that describe what they want to write about, and Bing will generate a text that follows the specified tone, length, and format. For example, if a user wants to write a blog post about how LinkedIn is using Microsoft's chat for creating technical articles, they can simply type:

Create an article about how LinkedIn is using Microsoft's chat for creating technical articles

How LinkedIn is using Microsoft's chat for creating technical articles
 Microsoft's compose option

Bing will then produce a text that matches the request, such as the one you are reading right now. The text will be wrapped in code block syntax (triple backticks) to indicate that it is generated by Bing and not by the user. The user can then edit, refine, or customize the text as they wish, or use it as a starting point for their own writing.

By using Microsoft's chat mode, LinkedIn users can benefit from several advantages:

- They can save time and effort by letting Bing do the research and writing for them.

- They can access a vast amount of information and knowledge from Bing's web search results and internal databases.

- They can improve their writing skills by learning from Bing's logic and reasoning.

- They can create engaging and informative content that attracts and retains their audience.

LinkedIn and Microsoft are constantly working together to improve their products and services, and to provide more value to their users. By using Microsoft's chat mode for creating technical articles, LinkedIn users can enhance their professional brand and reputation, and showcase their expertise and insights on various topics. If you are interested in trying out this feature, you can visit and start chatting with Bing today.

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